
The Boyfriend...

(a poem)
I want the type of boyfriend where he stares at me into my eyes for hours just because he finds me beautiful...but knows I get antsy when he does that
I want the type of boyfriend that gives me the last piece of what he's eating
I want the type of boyfriend that you can tell for sure that he's inlove because he makes up silly songs in the shower that rhyme with your name
I want the type of boyfriend that opens the doors for me everywhere I go just to prove chivalry isnt dead...
I want the type of boyfriend that convinces me to be myself and go along with my gut instinct instead of what "I should do"
I want the type of boyfriend that knows my every move, even though I hate when people know what I'm going to do...
I want the type of boyfriend that holds me close ALL THE TIME because he knew on the first date I said "I'm a taurus, so I'm physically affectionate"
I want the type of boyfriend that kisses me in public...
I want the type of boyfriend that reads and recites poetry from the Book Letters of Great Men and trys to pass them off as his own just to impress me and make me smile when I'm feeling down...
I want the type of boyfriend that knows the way to my heart, the little things are key to my happiness
I want the type of boyfriend that leaves little notes on a piece of paper saying that he loves me or inside jokes we've shared
I want the type of boyfriend that notices when I buy something new
I want the type of boyfriend that protests about what he thinks is wrong in the world
I want the type of boyfriend that grows out a scruffy beard because i like the way it looks and feels
I want the type of boyfriend that loves me for me and has a love that never grows old..

(ahhhh being single sucks now...)


Yinka said...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5WgmbMW7Ek i doubt this would make it any better...but it made me think of this.

Brooklyn said...

awwwww I LOVE this because I think love is beautiful.

Unknown said...

aww. it does suck lol

jusss rding that poem .
it was cute tho .

haha im a taurus